Friday, December 14, 2007

Jezebel and Arnulet

Conversion between Jezebel (the awakened baboon) and Arnulet (the druid).

After the adventures left the hidden valley the two expressed their opinions.
(Arnulet) You were with them long than me, do you think we can trust these adventurers.
(Jezebel) They are a rough bunch. The sneering elf, Killian who smells like a human, can not be trusted. He is a violent unpredictable creature. We should avoid any future interaction with him. The sneaky lookin’ elf, Cliticus, only seems to care about the almighty gold piece. His loyalty can be bought or sold by the highest bidder. He is quiet, but they listen to him when he talks. I doubt we could pay him enough to secure his services, but we might be able to pay him to look the other way. As you know Hag are vile evil beasts that only care about themselves. This Feldra, is the most civilized hag I have ever heard of. She doesn’t listen to the humanoids and does what she pleases. We should keep an eye on her, I believe she will lose interest in the other humanoids one day and probably kill and skin them while they sleep. The only redeeming soul in the bunch is the little gnome, Van, quite a charmer. That one could probably talk a dragon into giving away all its treasure. He seemed honest and straightforward if we ever have to deal with these adventures again we should use him as an intermediary.
(Arnulet) I agree with your observations. The warhorse and the wardog said they are taken care of and treated well except for a couple of times when they have been forced to fight to save their owners. The few trinkets we gave them should buy their loyalty for the time being. Someday they may come back asking for more from us. We should be ready to dispose of them quickly. I think animals would enjoy eating meat again.


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